13 OCTOBER 2018 – 27 OCTOBER 2018
On the 13th of October, Jodar will be opening it’s exhibition doors for the first time, showcasing the works of 30 emerging artists across Jordan. We would love to extend an invitation to all who are interested in exploring new artists and their work.
By bringing together a diverse range of works from up and coming talents in the region, Jodar aims to serve as a platform connecting fresh work with the creative community. Join us on October 13th, starting at 6pm at our space in Khalda to begin this journey with us.
Click here to download the Exhibition Booklet
Source: Ammon News
38 رساما يعرضون لوحاتهم في جاليري جودار
عمون – افتتحت الأميرة عالية الطباع جاليري جودار المخصص للتصاميم واللوحات الفنية.
واطلعت سموها على التصاميم واللوحات المعروضة في المعرض والتي قدمها 38 مصمما ورساما عرضوا نحو 75 لوحة وعملا فنيا متنوعا.
وقالت منسقة المعرضة الفنانة رائدة شاهين أن المعرض يضم مركزا فنيا متكاملا، وصاله لعرض الاعمال الفنية، مجهزة بكل ما يحتاجه الفنان لعرض أعماله الفنية.
واضافت ان المعرض سيقوم بتقديم الاعمال الفنيه لفنانين اردنيين وعرب واجانب بما يساهم فى دعم المسيره الفنيه والإبداعية التى نفتخر بها فى وطننا.
واشارت انه بمناسبة افتتاح المعرض سيتم عرض اعمال فنيه ل38 فنانا وفنانة من الواعدين، والذين يعرضون أعمالهم لأول مرة، مما يمكنهم من تقديم ابداعاتهم للمجتمع المحلي مقدما لهم للفرصه لايصال أعمالهم وطاقاتهم الإبداعية على الخارطة الفنيه في المملكة.
وتنوعت الأعمال المعروضة بين الرسم الحر والتشكيلي والتجريدي.
ويذكر أن المعرض يستمر حتى 3 تشرين ثاني المقبل.
Source: Jordan Time
AMMAN — The works of 30 emerging Jordanian artists on Saturday was inaugurated at the JODAR Artistry community art space, as part of a unique creative event held under the patronage of HRH Princess Alia.
Opening its exhibition doors for the first time since its establishment three months ago, the Jordan House for Contemporary Art (JODAR) sought to offer a platform to explore new artists and their work, by bringing together a diverse range of works from up and coming talents in the region, according to a statement by the organisers.
Young talents, mostly in their twenties, got the opportunity to exhibit two of their creations, in an event that often marked their work’s very first public display.
For 25-year-old Tala Zabaneh, a fresh graduate from the University of Jordan’s visual art department, the presentation of her two paintings at JODAR Artistry was “a great opportunity” to showcase her work within an official setting.
“As an emerging artist, I was really keen on sharing my artworks and ideas with Amman and its public and I thought it would be even lovelier sharing it alongside 30 of my fellow artists,” Zabaneh told The Jordan Times after the opening, touched by the emotions triggered among the visitors discovering her work.
“One woman looking at my painting started crying, telling me it reminded her of her son, whom she missed dearly. For me, it was really important to let every viewer have his/her own way of looking at my work,” the young painter highlighted, stressing “I am a visual artist, so I do not seek to explain my work through words or written descriptions. Instead, I like to let people embrace what they naturally feel.”
An inclusive platform aimed at connecting fresh work with the creative community, JODAR Artistry seeks to “bridge the gap and bring art lovers together”, according to its manager, Raida Shahin, who said that emerging talents “rarely have the opportunity to show their work to the public, as most galleries tend to display already renowned figures”.
“Although the exhibition was not my first show, it was the first show where I was able to share walls with some of my closest artist friends,” said Sama Shahrouri, a sculpture graduate who exhibited two of her drawings at the event.
“For a lot of us, it was our first exhibition together, which is in itself a great honour. Within the exhibiting artists there is a nice sense of community where everyone is looking out for everyone else. We have a bigger bond than just having studied together at the same place. We’re also emerging together as artists at the same time,” Shahrouri told The Jordan Times on Sunday, echoing Zabaneh’s feelings.
“Being part of this group exhibition made sense to me as we are all part of a bigger community and society as a whole. Just like in life, art is not meant to stand by itself,” Zabaneh explained, pointing out that “artists, like humans, cannot live alone and they have to co-exist and share with others. This is why it was normal for me to be part of this exhibition alongside 29 other artists.”
For Shahin, who voiced her appreciation to Princess Alia for her dedicated presence and support, “this inauguration was a great success, and we were really overwhelmed with the large turnout, witnessing a crowd who stayed to observe the artwork and exchange with each other and the artists.”
Free of charge, the exhibition will run through November 3 at JODAR Artistry in Khalda.
Source: Artmejo
Jodar: A New House for Contemporary Art
Jordan’s newest house of contemporary art, Jodar Artistry, is both a gallery and an art space created to bridge the gap between artists from all walks of life. Not only does it hold year long art courses, but the space also includes a gallery made to showcase local and regional works. On Saturday, October 13th, Jodar hosted the artwork of 30 distinct emerging artists. This brought together a diverse range of works all from up and coming talents in the region. The space is serving the artistic demographic by promoting young creatives and giving them a platform that introduces the fresh work into the community.
The founder of Jodar, Raida Shahin, shared with us her inspiration behind creating the exhibition.
We have so much emerging talent in this country. I saw it first hand while working beside these artists at the Jordanian University. I realized then, how much talent there is but how there isn’t a platform to give exposure to their work. At Jodar we want to promote these emerging artists and carry the art scene and serve the community. I hope by the end of the event people will open their eyes to the hidden talent we have in this region. And hopefully it’ll provoke more support for the emerging community.