Randa Abu Omar

I’m a self-taught artist who specializes in portraying the less-than-perfect side of nature, with a special focus on decaying flowers and grass as well as dead, dried out trees with exposed roots resembling tangled up ropes on the verge of decomposition. The “ugly” side of nature is an overlooked aspect in art; fields of grass aren’t always a bright green, trees don’t last a lifetime and will die eventually; skies often look gloomy and moody as opposed to blue and bright.

Art is my love and my passion, portraying nature in all its glory is my destiny. Our Earth is beautiful even in its dying state, trees don’t have to have full, green foliage in order to be majestic and otherwordly, that is my message.

My art journey so far has been deeply personal and limited strictly to friends and family. However, I am on a newfound endeavour to find my own community of artists and art-lovers, a place to give me a sense of belonging and a sharing of emotions through the endless capabilities of colors and canvasses.