Maria Nissan

Maria Khalid Nissan is an Iraqi Environmental artist and a 2018 MFA graduate from Studio Arts College International in Italy, with a bachelor’s degree in art education and a minor in painting and drawing from the University of Georgia. Since moving to Jordan she has continued to create installations and drawings from plastic materials in Amman’s community. She has shown work in gallery spaces such as Dar Al-Anda art gallery, Orient gallery, Q0DE gallery,Wadi Finan, Jodar Artistry, Corner Art Space and other local project spaces. To be an artist is to navigate an ocean of creativity and horizon without always finding a port or setting anchor. Two years ago, I decided to let myself be carried away by the wind, to cross the Atlantic and to land in Amman, Jordan. As an environmental activist, I see art as a cry from the heart that expresses itself to touch souls, change minds and redefine the way we consume. Arriving in Amman, I understood that my art could, perhaps more than elsewhere, question us about our behavior towards waste and its impact on our lives and environment. These paintings made on plastic bags collected during the Corona crisis lockdown in Amman invites you to go through the pandemic iconography while reflecting on the future short and long-term environmental consequences of our individual behaviours. In a highly connected and globalized world, the epidemic we are living today is disrupting not only economies, health structures and social interactions. It alters our capacity to foresee the environmental burden resulting from an increased consumption of single-use products such as plastic bags and packaging. While scientists just started measuring the future impact of this crisis on the environment, we must consider new plastic-avoiding habits and alternatives for a greener response to these dark times.