Hadeel AlKottob

Jordanian artist, with a Palestinian heritage. I began painting as a child and started sculpting in my second-year majoring in fine arts at the University of Jordan.

Art is like my own language; it is the way I express myself.

I strive through the process of building the sculpture and then removing unwanted parts, carving textures and smoothing surfaces. I enjoy the feeling of cutting straight through a stone, molding clay and hammering the chisel to release all the negative energy.

When I am trying to express an emotion I am feeling, or trying to take on a personal topic, I usually let the piece guide me throughout the process, not planning it out from A-Z.

 Facing other topics and concepts I find it interesting to manipulate my understanding of the way the viewer thinks and feels to create a conversation between the viewer and the art, coming up with ideas gives me purpose and a voice I am growing into.

My latest projects are taking on self-explanatory and therapeutic subjects, I find it that everyone suffers from some sort of emotional struggle, and to have the power to voice this struggle through art has empowered me in my ongoing journey.

The motion of sculpting curves relaxes me and I subconsciously find myself lean into compositions that carry the eyes on slopes.