Ghadeer Abu-Bukha

“Our imagination is a realm of endless possibilities”

My true artistic journey has begun right after my graduation from The University of Jordan, the moment I seriously started developing my artistic style, along with my participation in various exhibitions, workshops and symposiums, which’s played significant role in shaping my artistic style and techniques. It was in art that I found a medium for my thoughts. Countless times I have tried to express my thoughts in words but never was I able to articulate them as well as I do on a canvas. It is not my individual ideas that I wish to present to the public, but those I share with all of humanity. No matter the genre I am working on at any given time, it analyses one idea, the concept of allowing audience to visually interact with the artwork and let them explore what lies beyond the visual impact. At some point, the artist and the public have a common cause which is art.

In my recent works, I try to express the idea of “The human feeling when being isolated in a big crowded place”. The sky on my canvas is the place I mentioned, it is the imaginary place I  create the fairy-tale of mine, I handle it like it’s the whole human world, and the lines below are the window that we are hiding or hiding the real selves behind, it’s a genre of Imaginative realism, to put it simply, it is the art of the unseen. Perhaps, it is the art that stores our collective unconsciousness and it is art which presents them to us. 

Colors in my painting are the main tool I use to create the visual illusion. I always try to keep the scene in a perfect harmony, but in the other hand, I also try to make a contrast using the complementary colors which give the scene another perspective.